Monday, November 19, 2012

A Change in Scenery

Well, the dishwasher is running, all the food's put away and we're getting ready to hit the hay after today's dinner and a movie. A couple months have gone by since Danny and I decided that we wanted to have better connections with people, especially the folks who are important to us, because who knows what may happen in life, right?

I have been much better about talking to my sisters and family in general on a regular basis, and hanging out with my girlfriends more often. We've got some dinner and a movie action happening. Danny and I applied to be a part of A Date 2 Remember and we were selected to participate in the fashion show/date auction in February, so we'll be all about making new friends and connections for that!

So today I'm thankful for being able realize that life isn't about just getting stuck in your daily grind with your usual stuff. It's about being able to try new things and go places you've never been. It's about inviting people into your home and having a good time. It's about bringing people together who may not have ever known one another otherwise. We're going to have a house full of people for Thanksgiving this year. Every other year, we got into our annual habit of going to either Cleveland or California, and that was our holiday. It's always been a great time with family, but that's not what's happening next week. I never would have thought that our house would be a holiday dinner house, but this year a lot of things are different. And different can be good.

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